a brave new world?
found this nifty thought that i wrote on 02/21 saved on my flashdrive. short + sweet:
..isn't it sad how fundamentalist thinking seems to be everywhere? the same warped thinking that is driving the passion in the muslim world is energizing the kookoo so called christians elsewhere...how can they call themselves christian and spout off hatred towards gays, abortion right supporters, women; all of which are God's children...i read the most wonderful essay yesterday that addresses the split the world is going thru. those who are ready to accept the numerous changes new technology is thrusting upon us versus the old skoolers are desperately trying to hold on to what they consider traditional values that are being squashed by this 'culture of consumerism' we live in...the same crackhead neocons who take the bible and constitution literally are the ones that are making it worse for themselves. the more they try to blanket themselves in the so called good ol' days, the more isolated and marginalized they will eventually become...the good ol’ days were not so good for non-whites..remember jim crow, the inevitably of progress will not be stopped by radicals soiling God's name for their own gain...we live in an ever-changing world where we are breaking down the barriers that used to impede us; internet, technology and the global economy are connecting us to one another like no other time in history...we are truly becoming one world...one world currently in a state of turmoil; a world full of conflicting viewpoints; all of which will be staunchly defended by God's children on both sides until the neocon kool-aid supply is cut off.
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