Friday, September 08, 2006

can i get a nervous breakdown with a side of bipolar fries

bring on the pain. pain is my constant companion. at least i know i'm still alive cause i still hurt.

She said, "Face your fears and come with me.Take a chance and take my hand so you can see everything you know you'll never have,everything you know you want but fate killed your plans."Fill this hole inside of me,I can't stand the ache this pain is killing me.Those who have suffered will understand that pain is welcome when it's all you have left,come and die with me. Let's see what we can't be.It's a pain I'd never trade for anything.I can smile outside, I can smile and say I'm all right."

Deviates 1, Me 0. This will forever be my theme song. i can't seem to get a grip of life. it keeps slipping thru my extended hand. where does it end up?


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