Sunday, September 17, 2006

eclectic thirds book club

Eclectic Thirds’ mission is to bring together an exclusive group of devoted readers and aspiring writers to connect and build a network of friends through literacy, social events and community awareness".

the mission statements says it all. i'm happy i followed my instincts and went to the eclectic thirds first meeting. a more open, friendly group of people i could not have hoped for. there were about 15 or so of us there. added bonus- we got goodies! an oversized coffee mug, candy, a nifty pen and a journal...
sadly none of my selections were picked but i guess the odds weren't in my favour with at least 15 of us there times 3 nominations each. c'est la vie. as i told the group, i'm ready to drink in the new knowledge and step outside the political/history realm that most of my books dwell in. i'm ready to exercise my brain and make it hard for my hand to keep up with all the colliding ideas & thoughts....more importantly i'm fueling my need for social interaction with like-minded peers; something i'm sorely lacking and desperately panting for. who knows, maybe i'll gain the confidence to submit some writing to the workshop our founder, katrina and lynn run. i love lynn already. anybody who professes to love erotica is a-ok in my book.

why didn't i seek these sorts of outlets in orlando? i was consumed with numbing myself. i was more cut off from the world than i had imagined. how much i have missed i can't fathom but i know my old self, the one with stuff to say will come out and i'll be right here ready to welcome her. fear and apathy tethered me to the ground. i feel my soul and body tearing away at the ropes. i can't help but think about holli and how i wish she'd stop smoking. she's an extremely talented singer/songwriter but she too has the wacky weed disease. too much of anything is horrible and i feel ill thinking about the damn 10 years of life i've lost. i also feel the sun and light blinding me. the light i'll follow on my path of recovery.

our first selection is Lost Hearts in Italy by Andrea Lee. According to amazon: Lee's elegantly structured novel about a love affair that destroys a young couple's marriage unfolds through the individual perspectives of the wife, the husband, and the interloper, shifting back in forth between the mid-1980s and two decades later. Whoa. tasty tease.

being in a book store is akin to being in ecstascy to me. i bought two new books and i've started one already and for some reason i'm dissappointed with it.

red and blue god, black and blue church written by becky garrison. her personal treatise on how all politicos regardless of party affiliation soil god's name for their own personal gain. i'm up to chapter 5 and thus far i'm thinking of getting my money back. i was expecting more satire than what's been delivered so far. i was expecting deeper exploration on the subject but in my opinion it seems limited to citing a biblical verse and then a generalized political move. one of the selling points when i picked up the book was the promise of "how american churches are hijacking jesus...and worshipping the almighty dollar". so far the title's the only worthy line..well, no there's a few passages:

pg 33 has a cheeky the christian coalition presidential prayer primer. my fave:

a prayer for when a republican candidate is tempted
lord and master, pat robertson, who thyself wast tempted as i am, yet appeareth to be without sin, give me thy wisdom to partake of my temptations without suspicion. enable me to engage in all evil thoughts and passions, obtain all political entitlements, and to learn, like thee, how to appear holy and righteous, thus blaming all my sins on the democrats. amen.

that's priceless.

my other purchase was recommended by a random borders employee; total freedom by j. krishanmurti...again courtesy of amazon, Warning readers away from blind obedience to creeds or teachers – including himself – Krishnamurti celebrated the individual quest for truth, and thus became on of the most influential guides for independent-minded seekers of the twentieth century – and beyond.

i'm in love with the book already and am ready to start it. keeping with the whole saving the best for last tenet, i was going to finish the other book before this one but screw that. tomorrow i'll get my $20 back and start on this one. it's no coincedence that i've been searching for a crumb to show me how this spirituality and life in general stuff works and bam this book is practically given to me. well, yeah it was. the employee pulled it off the shelf and all. i have a feeling this one will not just answer some questions but will help me formulate new ones to explore. stay tuned...


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