Wednesday, September 13, 2006

frijoles o avichuelas?

random thoughts/

i will never be a gardener. i'll never have a greenthumb. i'm ok with that. like pets, gardening was never shiny enough for me to reach for. if i were to water my lawn more than 2xs a week would i get a ticket? is this enforced? can my neighbours call a hotline and get a reward?
know what i miss? i miss having a work wife/hubby. i remember at other jobs there was that one special person who made it tolerable to be at work. that person who would make my stomach pinwheel and a goofy grin to spread across my face. i'm glad pam and jim are pam and jim.

the world isthisclose to being lost to fundies and crazies! what the fawk with these people who protest military funerals saying it's God's punishment because of the gays? please pretty please explain this one to me. even high out of my mind i can't connect point a to point b.

"My justifications for my fear were merely façades, and I began to believe in my

the one thing that i do know is that i'm in control. whatever i want my life to be, i can make it be. the power to shed the past 10 years of my life. try to not focus on the negative. i must, i must accentuate the positive. i can certainly look over the last 10 years with much love and awe and thankfulness. i met the coolest peeps while in florida. i've made some of the coolest friends i crazy girl could ask for. woohoo for email and text to bridge the geographical gap. i'm so glad i finally let my mind breathe. coming up to jax was coccoon me. i've used this city as my recharging pad. i intend to make the very most out of it. fill my cup up with spiritual, emotional, intimate kool-aid. as scary as the future shouts to me, i have to think of that fab quote from huffpost that encapsulates my current life.

i love blogs. i love that i make an effort to keep one up. it's my way of participating in well, basically life. vegging in front of the telly can only provide a limited amount of enjoyment.


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