Wednesday, September 27, 2006

holy frak!

the season 3 premiere of VM is by far from the very first line to the closing one, it is sublime. the pace is established early with loads of dry, witty remarks coming from the little, blonde annoying one. the interaction at the beginning between Veronica & Keith is priceless:

Keith: "Made any new friends?"
Veronica: "Lord, No!"

Classic. Simply Classic.

We were introduced to 2 new characters; Piz and Parker. I have to confess Piz rox my sox. He's easy on the eyes and has instant chemistry with our fearless heroine. Mama like; mama like. What's to become of LoVe??!! Will Logan ever attend class? Patience grasshopper; you're questions will be answerd in gulp 13 episodes. I know what I'm asking Santa for. A full season!...the only downer, no Weevs!!


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