Saturday, October 21, 2006

have i told you how much i love the library

taking a detour from my pre-planned saturday for a quick stop at the library to take care of my fines & just revel in its atmosphere. the library and i will forever be best friends. it embraces me regardless of what madness is colliding in my head. it's here with laughter, with tears, with anger and people mag. i haven't picked up a people mag in forever. i've always had a love/hate/hate relationship with this one. i don't like to read it but the shiny & glossy pics always draw me in. i've figured out the formula used for the articles. add a bit of human drama + a healthy heaping of celebrity bs + who gives a fuck fluff and viola: next week's toilet reading de rigeur. can't begin to explain how i got off an this silly tangent but that was kinda fun.

hope to make my way out to st. aug tomorrow nite to see the screening of Iraq for Sale. from the same fab team that brought us walmart: the high cost of low prices. that movie changed the way i look at not only walmart but globalization and economics as well. what exactly is it that we are working towards in our never ending quest for global supremecy, for record profits? we are becoming more and more desensitized from the human experience. we see people not for people but as obstacles that we must get through to achieve our goals. squash whoever stands in the way of meeting the bottom line. cook the books if needed. forget compassion and idealism towards each other. this one world is all we have and instead of feeding off the hate and ambition that is destroying it, what could we achieve if we collectively made an effort to sustain her along with each other. kindness, open-mindedness and understanding is too much to ask?


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