Sunday, November 26, 2006

happy thanksgiving

recovery is a bitch. detoxing from lagando has become quite daunting. having spent the last 4 days with k, i am now faced with the unpleasant realization that i am back on earth. i haven't had a chance to fully process being away from her. my mom and sister have kept me busy with their stuff. kinda grateful; don't know if i could handle being locked inside my head at this moment. had an amazing thanksgiving weekend. wednesday nights are our new rendezvous nights, in no particular order and in fact in random flashes

starbucks / denny's / beach photo sessions / backseat naughtiness / cornbear w/pecan sweet butter / kisses / white zinf / closet / cranberry sauce quest / tasty kakes / choctaw / socks /

falling, falling hard. falling in / falling forever...
i love her


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