Wednesday, March 14, 2007

french toast sticks, please.

not enough time, money or arteries in this world to enjoy all the french toast sticks in the world but i'd love to try! welcome to my second coming; my revival. i'm in school. taking four classes at fccj-south. algebra, american government, literature, earth and space science. so far i'm kicking ass. after tomorrow my spring break starts and thus far my grades are as follows:

earth and space science - 96%
literature - 92%
american government - 96%
algebra - 96%

oh yeah, gimme an A! ....A!....

sitting in front of the pc with both doors open. some quick recaps

* now living w/k. the same k i wrote about way back when we were friends only. now we are friends and lovers and confidantes and buttresses. i'm in school and have no car. my car gave out about 3 weeks ago. i'm presently a bus rider. not too bad. today i walked from the mall to our place, took about 25 minutes.

i fucking love oprah. today is oprah and lisa ling: over 1mill kids in the world are the primary parent in their house. life is hard. life is good. life is great. life rules! i'm happy. for the first time in always, i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. i love my girl. i love my wife with all my heart. my heart that is hers to do as she pleases.

First Idol out of S6: surprise


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