Friday, April 13, 2007

happy friday!

all together now: "my baby's coming home, my baby's coming home. my bay-bay-bay-bay baby's coming home!" it's a gorgeous springtime friday outside and inside. anxiously awaiting my baby's flip-flopped feet announcing her arrival from school. it's friday! our day! going to riverside to indulge ourselves in some sun, fun, starbucks, kisses and each other! yummers to the infinity power!!!! overabundance of exclamation points today but i feel hyper exclamated!!! huh? so glad it's a nice fucking beautiful day out. my baby deserves nothing but sunshine, sunshine and more sunshine.

for posterity's sake, i've just wrapped up bait and switch by barbara ehrenreich. fascinating read. she's gone undercover to expose how hard it is for low skilled laborers to get by on minimum wage in nickeled and dimed and in her new book she exposes how hard it is for high skilled workers go get by. we hear constantly of the dynamic nature of the economy; that no one is guaranteed a job even with a degree but the i wasn't prepared for the stark reality that no matter what socio-economic level workers are categorized in, the end result of being unemployed or um, in transition (in execu-speak) is loss of wages, loss of esteem, loss of self-worth, loss of material goods. raise your hand if you've had to sell off your possessions and move back into your parents room? the downward slide is not just for layed off factory workers anymore. corporate america is completely obsessed with the bottom line and has no qualms about getting rid of the thing that they consider the most expendable: the hardworking You. is there a way to stem the tide of lay-offs, outsourcing and miserly wages to foreign workers? if there is, it will come from the public sector. the gov't is too indebted to corporate interests to pursue any serious reform. from where i see it, we're just counting down to another enron...


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