Friday, May 08, 2009

parting is ...

hey, guess what? have the urge to splurge...on a new blog. don't think this is it for this one but i'll be exploring other pastures. XOXO

Creators Syndicate - Celebrating 20 Years as a World-Class Syndicate Of Talent

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I work in a County Health Dept's Family Planning Prgm. We see teens of ALL RACES, ALL BACKGROUNDS, ALL INCOME, ALL EDUCATIONAL, etc. Abstinence is like a unicorn; Fabulous theory but UNREALISTIC in real life. Bristol can do whatever the eff she wants but I'm disappointed in her turnaround. Me thinks Madam Palin needs to keep her conservative credentials impeccably clean for 2012.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Will Fla. Gov. Crist Decide To Run For Senate? : NPR

Will Fla. Gov. Crist Decide To Run For Senate? : NPR

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Crist is *THE* ultimate PR candidate. He's been able to cultivate this superhero persona and the media keeps running with it but he's really not much of a leader. The role of governing is squarely falling on Republican controlled House & Senate. He's too much of a hands off type of guy for me and only seems to get involved when it suits him: stimulus,religious license plates,off shore drilling. Still he's a RINO to conservatives. He'll hemorrhage the right wingers but will pick up enough moderates & Dems. I'm seriously my vote. Alas, Crist is born politician or at least plays one on TV.